May 12, 2009

Great Weekend
지난일요일에 부산에서 어머니랑 만나서 내친구랑 잘지냈다. 옆에서 있는 병용형님이 어머니같이 어떻게 만나서 부산을 관광하기 익찍 이것저것 결정해줘서 정말 고맙고 함께 지내고 있었다.
병용형님은 내가 여기서 제일 뭐든지 같이 하는 친구. 대부분 울대에서 놓구를 하는 농구쟁이. 그래도 형님은 한국나의가 32이니까 형님한테서 배우는 것이 많다. 
한국에서 이런경험이 많다. 왜냐하면 일본인에 비해서 한국사람은 대부분이 군대에 갔다가 오니까 주변 사람은 이런 나의이다.

At first, we met at 서면 and went to 용궁사. It was so great that I have evere seen in South Korea, but as well 해운대 beach was also beautiful. At lunch we ate 밀면(it is first time to eat it foe me, too!) and got ship to go around the coast in 부산. Do you know what the name 부산 means? It means a mountain which has many rocks. As you know 부산 has lots of mountain and many tall buildings stand on maountains(you cannnot  see like this landscape in Japan cause we country is often attacked by earthquake.). 

Seeing these landscapes from the ocean, the time was getting deep. In a dinner, we went to 동래 and ate 동래파전. It is more soft one than normal 파전 cause it is this place's signature food. The taste reall really fits to Japanese. Thanx to 병용 we really pass the Korean trip. 
(photoes: 병용@ship) 

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