Apr 12, 2009

Oh, Mexico
Today, I chilled with my friends.
I got up slowly and began to study for tests will come two weeks later. In this month I have to study much more than ever 'cause KLPT(Korean Language Proaciency Test) stands on the end of this month. And also on next Wednesday my exchange proglam will pass a half of the schedule. Time waits for no one. I was so surprised at this moment that I found its fact. 

I have cook since I was in a junior high school, but it was the first time for me to cook and taste Mexican food today. The test is.......so great. It is all made from various of vegitable(some of reasons come from Andray's lifestyle, he is vegetarian). Some is so spycy that is hotter than Korean food but yogurt makes it mild. How good food it is! Its healthy and no-fat style  fits to my body. After having a dinner, we went out to ground and started to play Frisby. Maybe in my high school days, I have played it only once with my good-uniqued friend so I am nearly bigginer of frisby. But it was also so fun. this style can be said that is like a basketball rather than a soccer so I could fit this playstyled and enjoyed. 

Everything was fun today. But I think the best is about a topic that we talked during a dinner. We talked about slangs. It means that we introduce slangs from each country, Japan,
America,Korea, and China. We knew how each country people shout against each country's people and also we talk these word's origin. 

Tomorrow, I will go to 경주 to know some Korean old culture and to see cherry broom. This is still brooming sakura. I am looking forward to take pictures sakura with its traditional air.
(photo:Andray had jumped up worth to reach a frisby)

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